Krish Jagarlamudi’s latest film, Kondapolam, is now in theatres. The lead characters are played by Panja Vaishnav Tej of Uppena fame and Rakul Preet. With Sai Chand playing an important supporting role in kondapolam.
The film kondapolam begins with Ravindranath Kataru aka Ravi (Vaishnav Tej). Interviewed by the UPSC. Board for the Indian Forest Service. They ask him what set him on the path to success after questioning him about his background. Ravi began as a person with an inferiority complex and rose to the top of civil service exams. His transformation, he claims, began during a 40-day tour to Kondapolam, a forest area in the Nallamala tiger reserve where shepherds grazed their flock during the famine.
Kondapolam has an intriguing premise about how shepherds’ livelihoods are dependent on the forest. The director emphasises the mutual bond between nature and humans by using this background of kondapolam. While his grounded approach to the storey is impressive, the film’s novel use of the Rayalaseema dialect appears to be an innovation. The Seema dialect has traditionally been associated with villains in Telugu films. But Krish defies this stereotype by demonstrating how people use it in their daily lives in kondapolam. Krish deserves credit for this effort even if it wasn’t directed by him.
The film’s narrative, on the other hand, lacks depth and fails to offer anything new or engaging. The VFX quality leaves a lot to desired.
Obama, played by Rakul Preet, comes as a surprise. Her author-supported character lends weight to the film. Vaishnav Tej is talented, but Sai Chand is the one to watch.
Overall, Kondapolam is a timely film that sheds light on the relationship between humans and nature. You only wish the strong theme had translated into a better film.